Frequently Asked

Is Face Shape Important in Smile Design?

Of course, it is important. Teeth are a whole with face and smile. For this integrity to exist, the tooth structure and face shape must be in harmony. It is important in sex to achieve an aesthetic smile. Because while women make more delicate oval teeth, men have more angular teeth.

Is the First Examination at the Dentist Mandatory?

Dental treatments are very diverse, and many patients may need more than one treatment. Correct planning of these treatments provides more comfortable and shorter treatment processes. In addition, there is not always the possibility of complete treatment planning. Therefore, it is decided during this examination which treatments should be given priority.

The basis of treatment planning is diagnosis. Different laboratory tests can be used to reach an accurate diagnosis and to distinguish diseases with similar symptoms from each other. Before the treatment plan, these examinations are planned during the first examination.

At What Age Should I Take My Child to the Dentist?

When children reach the age of 1 at the latest after their teeth start to erupt, they should go to a dentist even if there is no problem; If possible, it should be taken to a pedodontist. Thus, they will both get used to the environment and their parents will be informed about how to prevent various problems before they occur.

What is the Cause of Gum Diseases?
  • Inadequate oral care and microbial plaque accumulating on the teeth are the main factors. Genetic factors, systemic diseases, and smoking are known to be effective in the onset or progression of the disease.

What is Endodontics?

The term endodontics; is derived from the Greek words “endo” (in) and “odont” (tooth). As it can be understood from this definition, endodontics is the science that intervenes and solves the problems related to the inner parts of the teeth. More precisely, endodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to the dental pulp (living tissue containing the vascular-nerve package) and the tissues surrounding the tooth. What Should Be Considered While Making Smile Design? Patient satisfaction can be seen as the first step. Before starting the treatment, the patient is interviewed, what he or she complains about, and why he is uncomfortable while laughing. Accordingly, a plan is made, and treatment begins. While performing the smile design process, attention is paid to the lip structure, the length of the teeth, the gingival characteristics, and the harmony of the lips and teeth.

What Should Be Considered While Making Smile Design?

Patient satisfaction can be seen as the first step. Before starting the treatment, the patient is interviewed, what he or she complains about, and why he is uncomfortable while laughing. Accordingly, a plan is made, and treatment begins. While performing the smile design process, attention is paid to the lip structure, the length of the teeth, the gingival characteristics, and the harmony of the lips and teeth.

How is Zirconium Teeth Made?

Preparations during the construction of the zirconium tooth; It is the same as the steps applied for the construction of fixed prostheses. Step-cutting can be applied during the preparation of the teeth. Differences are seen after they are sent to the dental laboratory. The model measured with 3D devices is analyzed. The data observed here is converted into a zirconium block with CAD-CAM systems. After these processes, which are controlled by the computer, the zirconium infrastructure is completed.

The steps to be followed this phase are the same as the phases applied during the porcelain coating. The only difference: There is no need to use opaque material, which is the primer material used to cover the color of the metal. Zircon veneer, which is essentially a white material, does not need a primer application.

What are the Frequently Used Methods in Dental Aesthetics?
  • Lamina (leaf) porcelains

  • Full ceramic coatings

  • Porcelain fillings

How Long is the Gum Aesthetics Recovery Process?

There is no feeling of pain during the treatment performed by applying local anesthesia. Painkillers determined by the doctor can be used for pain that may occur after the operation. Laser applications are generally used in treatments and because there is no bleeding, the healing process is faster than other treatment methods. The healing process in gingival aesthetics takes place on average in 10-14 days.

What is Mock-up in Smile Farming?

Mock-up application is of great importance in the treatment plan of the smile design candidate. With this application, an opinion is formed about the result of the treatment at the beginning of the treatment. If it will be necessary to open the mock-up application; It offers the opportunity to see the result of the operations to be performed on the teeth of the person, that is, the "final smile", as a preliminary design, without touching the teeth. The main purpose of giving importance to the mock-up process; is due to the importance given to showing the final smile to the person, while the procedures to be applied have not yet started. In this way, your smile is shaped within the framework of your expectations.

What is Dental Aesthetics in a Single Session? How much will it take?

Today, there are dentistry technologies that enable dental treatments performed with aesthetic concern to be performed in a short time.

Aesthetic dental treatments such as leaf porcelain application, full ceramic bridge applications, and porcelain filling can be completed in a single session. The image taken with a digital camera following the preparation of the tooth impression is transferred to the computer environment in 3D. The doctor and the patient evaluate the appearance of the new tooth together in the computer environment. At the end of this period, the new tooth is prepared by the device by scraping from special porcelain blocks.

Thus, aesthetic dental solutions can be reached in one day without rehearsing for days and without sensitivity problems.

Porcelains applied with this system do not contain metal in their structure. Its structure is the closest material to the natural structure of the tooth; In addition, it is like natural teeth with its light transmittance.

Does Transparent Plaque Treatment Have Pain?

Force is applied to ensure the movement of the teeth, so it creates dominance while the clear aligners are being fitted. This pain, which is felt for the first time when the teeth are passed, does not occur after a certain period.

Do I Need to Remove Transparent Plates While Drinking Something?

It can be drunk at normal temperature or cool drinks. However, it should be removed when using hot beverages such as coffee. Since the transparent plates are thermoplastic, they can be deformed in the heat.

Is There Any Procedure After the Transparent Plaque Treatment Is Over?

It applies to all orthodontic treatments. After your treatment, very thin wires that are not visible from the outside are attached to the inside of the teeth. These wires are attached to prevent the teeth from playing or coming back. Your orthodontist determines the duration of these wires.

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