Foods That Help Dental Health

15 July 2021by admin

With a few lifestyle changes to be made, maintaining oral health is of great importance in every age group. In the prevention of caries at the individual level; Proteins such as milk, cheese, and plant-based foods containing organic and inorganic phosphates should be preferred. In summary, to protect oral and dental health, a diet based on protein and vegetable-based chewing is necessary. It is very important for people to consume coffee, tea, alcohol, acidic beverages in a limited way, to control sugar consumption, to go to the dentist at regular intervals to prevent caries. High-quality proteins such as sugar-free chewing gums, fresh fruits, and vegetables, meat, eggs, cheese, fish, legumes are dietary factors that reduce the risk. To stimulate saliva secretion; Fresh, unprocessed foods should be chosen. Sugar-free gum can be chewed after the snack and main meal. We can recommend flavored gums, which are described as tooth-friendly, to patients as an auxiliary oral hygiene tool in addition to tooth brushing.

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